Magitech membrane is a special synthetic resin-based membrane coating because of its excellent flexibility and thixotropic nature. It is ideal for use on vertical as well as horizontal surfaces. It is a single pack, very economical, and pollution-free waterproofing coating. Due to its white color, its effects are excellent. UV resistant and solar reflectively give a cooling effect due to the reflective properties.
Surface Preparation :
- The surface to be applied must be free from dust, loose material paint, oil, or any other material which may impair adhesion
- Mechanical means for surface preparation are strongly suggested. Finally, vacuum cleaning of all loose solids and liquids can be done if required.
- All surface cracks up to 5mm in width should be called up with Magitech Crackfill more than 5mm and all separation gaps should be called with Magitech Two-Component Products.
Priming :
- The surface must be pre-wated with water & brought to a touch-dry state.
- Then apply the first coat of Magitech Transparent Chemical.
- Apply the same as a primer with a brush/roller to the entire substrate.
- Use a stiff brush to ensure that the Magitech Tranperent is applied well into undulation & holes in the substrate.
- Let the Magitech Transparent dry up completely before the second coat of Magitech Membrane.
- After the Magitech Transparent Chemical dries apply the first coat of Magitech Membrane.
- Apply by brush and rubber coat and allow drying completely for 6 to 8 hours.
- At least two coats are recommended of Magitech Modified bituminous waterproofing membrane.
- After priming applies two coats of Magitech membrane to allow drying completely for 6 to 8 hours.
Available In: 5ltr, 10ltr, 20ltr